If you』re an Administrator and would like to edit someone else』s profile, click on their user name when viewing the list of Users or click on the Edit link that appears beneath their user name when hovering your cursor over each row.
Update the appropriate fields and then click the Update Profile button to save all your changes.
Personal Options
- Visual Editor – Checking this box disables the Visual Editor when writing and uses the plain html editor
- Syntax Highlighting – Checking this box disables the syntax highlighting when editing code in the built-in editor
- Admin Color Scheme – Check this radio button next to the colour scheme desired for the administrative panels. You have the choice of eight different color schemes
- Keyboard Shortcuts – Checking this box Enables keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation. Keyboard shortcuts are designed to allow you to rapidly navigate and perform actions on comments
- Toolar – Checking this box will display the Admin Bar at the very top of your website (only for the person who is currently logged in)
- Username – You cannot edit your Username because it is used as your Username during the login process. Even an Administrator cannot change your Username. Usually, no one else ever needs to see your Username
- First name – Enter your first name in this text box
- Last name – Enter your last name in this text box
- Nickname – (mandatory) The nickname is a requirement for every user. It may be the same as your Username or it can be different. If you don』t supply a Nickname, then the Username will be placed in this field
- Display name publicly as – Select how your name is cited on your blog, from the dropdown list. You can choose from several choices: Nickname, Username, First Name, Last Name, 『First Last』, or 『Last First』. If you prefer 『Last First』, insert a comma after your last name in the Last Name text field and choose the last option from the dropdown list. For security reasons, it』s a good idea to keep this different from your Username
Contact Info
- E-mail – (mandatory) All users are required to list an email address in their respective Profiles. The email address must be unique for each user. Your blog will use this address to notify you of new comments to your posts and for other administrative purposes. Only other registered users of your blog will have access to this email address. It is never sent anywhere
- Website – Enter your website address
About Yourself
- Biographical Info – Enter a short description or profile of yourself here. Depending on your theme, this optional information may be displayed when creating new Posts
- 个人资料图片– 显示的头像称为 Gravatar 。Gravatar 是全球公认的头像。要创建 Gravatar,只需访问 gravatar.com 并注册即可。要在 WordPress 中使用您的 Gravatar,只需将邮箱地址添加到您在 Gravatar 站点中配置的个人资料中,它将自动显示
- 新密码– 单击「生成密码」按钮生成新的强密码。密码强度指示器将显示在密码字段下方
- 会话– 如果您在公共计算机上保持帐户登录状态或者丢失了手机,则可以单击 「在其他地方注销」按钮,从除当前浏览器之外的所有位置注销
- 新应用程序密码名称– 应用程序密码允许应用程序向各种 WordPress API(例如 REST API) 发出经过身份验证的请求。仅当您的站点使用 SSL 证书 (即您的站点 URL 以 https:// 开头,而不是 http://) 时,此部分才可见。此字段允许您指定生成的密码的名称。大多数用户永远不需要使用此部分