添加块图标用于将新块插入到您的内容中。单击此图标将弹出一个小面板,您可以通过该面板访问可以插入的所有不同类型的块。 | |
「工具」按钮提供了用于块选择和编辑的不同交互。使用选择工具帮助选择块。选择块后,按 Enter 键返回到编辑工具。 | |
撤消图标允许您撤消最近的更改。 | |
重做按钮允许您重做最近的更改。 | |
按钮允许您使用 「列表视图」选项卡查看内容中所有块的列表,以及使用 「大纲」选项卡查看有关页面内容的信息。后一个选项将显示您的内容包含多少个字符和单词、内容中的块类型以及阅读内容的大致时间 | |
「切换到草稿」按钮仅在您的页面/文章发布后才会出现。单击此按钮将取消发布您的页面/文章并将其恢复为草稿模式。虽然此按钮过去显示在区块编辑器工具栏中,但现在显示在设置侧栏内的摘要面板中。 | |
「保存草稿」按钮允许您保存页面,并且仅在您的页面/文章尚未发布时才会出现。 | |
「预览」按钮将允许您预览页面。单击此按钮会提供多个选项。您可以在桌面视图 (默认) 、平板电脑或移动视图中预览页面。您还可以通过选择 「在新选项卡中预览」 选项在新的浏览器选项卡/窗口中预览页面。 | |
「发布」按钮允许您发布您的页面/文章。与以前版本的 WordPress 不同,发布页面现在只需两个步骤。第一次单击 「发布」 按钮后,您会看到一个新面板,其中包含确认消息和另一个 「发布」 按钮。此面板还允许您更改内容的可见性以及发布日期和时间。单击第二个 「发布」 按钮将实际发布您的内容并使其在您的网站上发布。 | |
If your content is published, then the Publish button will be replaced with an Update button. Just like in previous versions of WordPress, clicking the Update button saves your changes. | |
The Settings Sidebar shows all the settings for your Page/Post including elements like adding Featured Images, specifying your Categories and Tags on Posts, or selecting Page/Post templates. Clicking the Settings icon will show and hide the settings sidebar. | |
The last icon in the Toolbar is the Show more tools & options icon. This button provides access to a number of adhoc settings. You can turn on/off the Top Toolbar and Spotlight Mode. You can also display your content using the Visual Editor (the default mode for adding blocks) or using the Code Editor, which allows you to edit the underlying html. You can also re-show the Block Editor tips, view a list of the editor keyboard shortcuts and also copy all the content in your page with a single click. |
| A word of caution, with the new Code Editor features. The Block Editor saves your content in a slightly different manner than the old (TinyMCE) Classic Editor. Previously, WordPress would save your content as a simple chunk of HTML. Whilst there is still HTML in your underlying content, the new Block editor also wraps each individual section of your content within HTML comment tags. It uses these comment tags to differentiate the various types of blocks your content is contained within. So, while you can still edit your HTML using the Code Editor view within the Block Editor, please take extra caution not to remove or change any of the HTML comments surrounding your content. Doing so, will cause one or more of your blocks to not display correctly once you switch back to the Visual Editor mode, and may possibly even cause you to lose content. If you feel you do need to edit the Block HTML, it's safer to use the 『Edit as HTML' option under the 『More Options' icon for each individual Block, than using the 『Code Editor' option under the 『Show more tools & options' icon at the top of the page. |
Underneath the Block Editor Toolbar you'll find your content area. This is where you'll add all your content, comprised of various types of blocks. Each block that you add into your content area, will have its own toolbar, and will either display just above the block (by default) or in the main Block Editor Toolbar at the top of the screen (if the Top Toolbar option is turned on).
每个块都有一个不同的工具栏,该工具栏中的图标将取决于块包含的内容类型。例如,段落块上的工具栏与标题块上的工具栏不同,因为它们包含不同类型的内容。单击或选择一个块后,您甚至可能会发现可以在 「设置」 侧栏中设置额外的选项。同样,这将取决于您选择的单个块。
屏幕右侧内容区域旁边是 「设置侧边栏」。设置侧边栏包含您当前正在编辑的整个页面/文章的设置,以及当前所选块的设置。
在设置侧边栏的顶部有两个选项卡可供选择。第一个选项卡将显示Page或Post,具体取决于您是编辑页面还是文章,第二个选项卡将显示Block。页面/文章选项卡显示您当前正在编辑的单个页面/文章的设置。这可能包括设置特色图像、选择类别和标签 (编辑文章时) 或选择页面/文章模板等。
最后更新时间:2023 年 9 月 18 日