

使用新的区块编辑器,您的页面内容由各种类型的块组成。页面中的每个单独的内容都将是一个不同的块。即使单个段落也将是单独的块。区块编辑器为所有常见内容提供块,例如段落、标题、有序和无序列表 (即项目符号点) 、引言、图像、图库以及您之前可以使用旧经典编辑器添加的任何其他内容。

有多种方法可以将块插入内容中。最简单的方法是单击屏幕顶部块工具栏中的切换块插入器图标 ( 区块编辑器工具栏 - 添加块) 。单击此图标将显示块插入器面板,您可以通过该面板访问可以插入的所有不同类型的块。只需滚动列表并单击要插入的块类型,或者如果您知道块的名称,则可以开始在搜索字段中输入其名称来过滤显示的块列表。





您还可以通过单击每个单独块顶部显示的添加块图标 ( )来插入块。块工具栏添加块当您将鼠标移到每个块的顶部边框上时,此 「添加块」 图标会出现在每个块的顶部。单击此图标将显示一个块插入器弹窗,这是一个小面板,可让您访问可以插入的所有不同类型的块。默认情况下,它只显示最近的六个区块。要查看所有可用块,请单击弹窗中的「浏览全部」 按钮以显示 「块插入器」 面板。或者,如果您知道块的名称,则可以开始在搜索字段中输入其名称来过滤显示的块列表。单击要插入的块后,新块将插入到当前所选块的上方。


You can also insert a block using what's called the 『slash command'. When your cursor is sitting in an empty Paragraph Block, you can convert that block to another type of block by typing a forward slash (/) and then the name of the block. As you type more characters, the list of blocks being displayed will filter down based on what you've typed. For example, typing 『/im' will show you a list of blocks that either start with, or are related to images, such as the Image Block, Gallery Block, Media & Text Block etc… If there's more than one block showing, you can either type more characters to filter the list further until there's only one option, or your can use your cursor keys to select the one you want and hit Return/Enter to select it, or simply use your mouse to select the block from the list.


You can also insert a new block using the Add block icon below your content. If the last block in your content isn't a Paragraph Block, then you will see an empty Paragraph Block at the very bottom of your content.

It's important to note that if the last block in your content is a Paragraph Block, then this empty Paragraph Block at the bottom of your content, wont appear by default and you'll need to either hit your Return/Enter key in your last Block for the empty Paragraph Block to appear, or use one of the other methods mentioned here to insert a new block.

If you see an empty Paragraph Block at the very bottom of your content and you simply want to add a new paragraph of text, then all you need to do is put your cursor in the empty block and start typing. If you want any other type of block though, you need to click the Add block icon (块工具栏添加块) on the right-side of the empty Paragraph Block, or use the 『slash command』. Clicking the Add Block icon will show the Block Inserter popup, which is a small panel that gives you access to different types of blocks that you can insert. By default, it only shows six recent blocks. To view all the available blocks, click the Browse all button in the popup to show the Block Inserter panel. Alternatively, you can start typing its name in the search field to filter the list of blocks shown. Once you click on a block to insert it, it will convert this empty Paragraph Block to the new block that you selected.


最后,每个块都有自己的工具栏菜单,该菜单显示在块的顶部 (如果打开「顶部工具栏」选项,则显示在屏幕顶部) 。此工具栏上的选项图标 ( 块工具栏更多选项) 有两个用于插入块的选项:「之前插入」「之后插入」选择这两个选项中的任何一个都会在当前块的上方或下方分别插入一个空段落块。如上所述,如果想要添加新的文本段落,您可以简单地在此空块中键入,也可以通过单击块侧面的添加块图标将此空段落块转换为其他类型的或使用 「斜杠命令」,如上所述。



最后更新时间:2023 年 9 月 18 日
