After you create a menu, you also need to tell WordPress where to use it. This is where the Manage Locations tab on the Menus page comes in.
After clicking the Manage Locations tab on the Menus page, you will be shown a page similar to below, with a list of the various menu locations used in your Theme. You may have one menu location or you may have multiple, depending on the Theme currently in use. Your menu location wont necessarily be called 『Desktop Horizontal Menu』 either, as shown below. Again, that will depend entirely on your Theme.
Assign an existing menu that you』ve created to the appropriate Theme Location by selecting it from the dropdown list. Click the Save Changes button to save your changes.
Alternatively, you can choose to create a new menu and automatically assign it to the location by clicking the Use new menu link.
When inserting blocks using the Block Inserter panel, you'll notice that they're sorted into different sections based on their type. At the very top of the Block Inserter is a search field that allows you to filter the list of blocks shown to make it easier to find the block you're looking for. The search field will filter the list based on the blocks name and type. For example, typing 『im' in the search field (without the quotes) will show you a list of blocks that either start with, or are related to images, such as the Image Block, Gallery Block, Media & Text Block etc….
The Block Inserter separates your blocks into different types. These include the following:
Text – This section contains all the basic text type blocks such as the Paragraph Block, Heading Block, List Block, Classic Block, Quote Block etc..
Media – This section contains all your image and media type blocks such as the Image Block, Gallery Block, Audio Block, Cover Block etc..
Design – This section contains more specialised content blocks, primarily used for enhancing the design of your page such as the Buttons Block, Columns Block, Group Block etc..
Widgets – This section contains special widgets such as the Shortcode Block, Archives Block, Categories Block, Latest Comments Block, Latest Posts Block etc..
Theme – This section contains special blocks that allow you to add different template parts to your content. Although some of these blocks can be added to your regular Page or Post content, these blocks are best utilised within the Full Site Editor.
Embeds – This section contains blocks for all the familiar Embeds that you're accustomed to using within WordPress. It contains the Tumblr Block, Twitter Block, YouTube Block, Spotify Block, etc…
Not shown by default, is the Most Used blocks section. The blocks that appear in this section will change based on the blocks that you've added to your content. As the name suggests, this section contains your most used blocks. To enable this section in the Block Inserter, click on the Options icon () at the top of the page and then click on the Preferences menu option. In the popup window that is displayed, turn on the Show most used blocks option within the Blocks tab. The Most Used blocks section will now appear in the Block Inserter, just above the Text section.
通过使用特殊的键盘快捷键,添加内容现在变得更加容易。当您想要向内容添加不同大小的标题时,您现在可以使用两个或更多主题标签 (#) 开始一行,然后按 Enter 键转到下一行,而不必从工具栏下拉列表中选择标题大小,可视化编辑器会自动将您的文本转换为适当的标题。与标题一样,您也可以使用*或–创建无序列表,使用1。将启动一个有序列表,>将创建一个块引用。
粘贴为文本- 从其他网站或文字处理程序复制和粘贴文本有时会导致文本格式与您期望的不同。原因是,格式化原始文本的 html 标签或代码通常会与文本本身一起粘贴。为了避免这种情况,粘贴为文本将删除所有这些格式和 html 标签。「粘贴为文本」 选项就像一个开关,一直保持打开状态,直到您再次单击该按钮将其关闭或直到您保存页面内容
清除格式- 使用此功能可以从突出显示的文本中删除所有格式 (例如粗体、下划线、文本颜色等)
特殊字符- 用于插入不易通过键盘访问的特殊字符 (例如?、?、?、?、€、?等)
减少缩进– 删除一级缩进
增加缩进- 将文本缩进一级
撤消– 撤消您的上一个操作
重做– 重做您的上一个操作
键盘快捷键– 显示有关 WordPress 可视化编辑器的信息以及键盘快捷键
视觉/文本– 在视觉编辑器和文本编辑器之间切换编辑器视图。文本视图将使您能够查看构成内容的 HTML 代码。对于更有经验的用户,这有时会有所帮助,但对于那些不熟悉 HTML 标签的用户,不建议这样做