If your content is published, then the Publish button will be replaced with an Update button. Just like in previous versions of WordPress, clicking the Update button saves your changes.
The Settings Sidebar shows all the settings for your Page/Post including elements like adding Featured Images, specifying your Categories and Tags on Posts, or selecting Page/Post templates. Clicking the Settings icon will show and hide the settings sidebar.
The last icon in the Toolbar is the Show more tools & options icon. This button provides access to a number of adhoc settings. You can turn on/off the Top Toolbar and Spotlight Mode. You can also display your content using the Visual Editor (the default mode for adding blocks) or using the Code Editor, which allows you to edit the underlying html. You can also re-show the Block Editor tips, view a list of the editor keyboard shortcuts and also copy all the content in your page with a single click.
A word of caution, with the new Code Editor features. The Block Editor saves your content in a slightly different manner than the old (TinyMCE) Classic Editor. Previously, WordPress would save your content as a simple chunk of HTML. Whilst there is still HTML in your underlying content, the new Block editor also wraps each individual section of your content within HTML comment tags. It uses these comment tags to differentiate the various types of blocks your content is contained within. So, while you can still edit your HTML using the Code Editor view within the Block Editor, please take extra caution not to remove or change any of the HTML comments surrounding your content. Doing so, will cause one or more of your blocks to not display correctly once you switch back to the Visual Editor mode, and may possibly even cause you to lose content. If you feel you do need to edit the Block HTML, it's safer to use the 『Edit as HTML' option under the 『More Options' icon for each individual Block, than using the 『Code Editor' option under the 『Show more tools & options' icon at the top of the page.
Underneath the Block Editor Toolbar you'll find your content area. This is where you'll add all your content, comprised of various types of blocks. Each block that you add into your content area, will have its own toolbar, and will either display just above the block (by default) or in the main Block Editor Toolbar at the top of the screen (if the Top Toolbar option is turned on).